Happy new year текст поздравления на английском

Время чтения: 9 минут(ы)

Готовишься к встрече Нового года? 🙂 Бегаешь по магазинам в поисках лучших подарков и сочиняешь креативную надпись для открытки? Раз уж ты изучаешь английский язык, почему бы не поздравить своих друзей, коллег и любимых по-английски? Мы тебе в этом поможем!


Конечно, использовать можно и классические новогодние поздравления на английском языке:

  1. Happy New Year to you!
  2. Best wishes for a pleasant and successful New Year!
  3. May this holiday season brighten you up with peace, joy and good cheer! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
  4. И т.д.

Но мы решили найти более развернутые и витиеватые поздравления, которые разбили на группы: универсальные, любимому / любимой, в стихах, коллегам и партнерам + классные новогодние цитаты для твоего поздравительного статуса в соцсети. Поехали!


Кстати, все эти замечательные англоязычные поздравления Лео адресует и лично тебе!

Универсальные новогодние поздравления: знакомым, друзьям, родным… кому угодно!

Just as a new bloom spreads fragrance and freshness around… May the new year add a new beauty and freshness into your life. Happy New Year!
(Так же, как распускающиеся цветы распространяют аромат и свежесть вокруг… Пусть новый год принесет новую красоту и свежесть в твою жизнь. С Новым годом!)

Wishing you beautiful moments, treasured memories, and all the blessings a heart can know. Happy New Year!
(Желаю тебе прекрасных моментов, драгоценных воспоминаний, и всех благ, какие сердце может познать. С Новым годом!)

I would just like to express how much joy you have given me, and wish for your joy and happiness in return. Happy New Year!
(Я просто хочу, чтобы ты знал(а), сколько радости ты мне подарил(а), и желаю, чтобы столько же радости и счастья к тебе вернулось. С Новым годом!)

A new year is like a blank book, and the pen is in your hands. It is your chance to write a beautiful story for yourself. Happy New Year.
(Новый год, как пустая книга, и перо находится в твоих руках. Это твой шанс написать свою красивую историю. С Новым годом.)

Even if our talks may lessen, our hellos and our stories as well, but remember that, no matter what happens, my prayers and wishes for you will never fall short. May this year be the best year by far, and may this year bring with it endless joy and happiness.
(Даже если наши разговоры, приветствия и совместные истории станут реже, помни, что, независимо от того, что происходит, мои молитвы за тебя и пожелания тебе никогда не станут короче. Пусть этот год будет лучшим годом, и пусть он принесет бесконечную радость и счастье.)

Every New Year gives you the perfect chance to start something new and fresh. So do your bit this year and make the world a better place for yourself and others. Happy New Year 2017!
(Каждый Новый год дает тебе прекрасную возможность начать что-то новое и свежее. Так что поймай свой ритм в этом году и сделай мир лучше для себя и других. С Новым 2017 годом!)

Hold the smile, let the tear go, keep the laugh, lose the pain, look for joy, and abandon the fear. Happy New Year My Friend!
(Задержи улыбку, отпусти слезы, продолжай смеяться, потеряй боль, ищи повод для радости и откажись от страха. С новым годом, мой друг!)

Have a year as fragrant as roses, as brilliant as the sun, as colorful as the rainbow and as cheerful as the lark. Happy New Year!
(Пусть твой год будет ароматным, как розы, блестящим, как солнце, красочным, как радуга, и веселым, как жаворонок. С новым годом!)

I wish you to have magical Mondays, terrific Tuesdays, warm Wednesdays, thrilling Thursdays, fun-filled Fridays, sweetest Saturdays and special Sundays this year. Much love!
(Я желаю тебе волшебных понедельников, потрясающих вторников, теплых сред, захватывающих четвергов, веселых пятниц, сладчайших суббот и особенных воскресений в этом году. С большой любовью!)

ЛЕО: Мой друг, товарищ, родной ты мой юзер! Я желаю тебе самых радостных событий в наступающем году и потрясающих побед в английском!

Для второй половинки: новогоднее поздравление на английском языке с переводом

Let’s burst into the New Year together! Jump with both feet, holding hands – like we’ve done since I met you. Happy New Year to my exciting partner in crime!
(Давай ворвемся в Новый год вместе! Оттолкнемся двумя ногами и прыгнем в него, держась за руки – как мы делаем с тех пор, как я встретил(-а) тебя. С Новым годом тебя, мой потрясающий соучастник всех моих  преступлений!)

Your smile speaks volume to me, your voice sings to me, your eyes convey to me and all that you do is special for me. This is because you are the dearest to me and here’s wishing you a fabulous New Year!
(Твоя улыбка красноречивее слов для меня, твой голос, как песня, твои глаза воздействуют на меня, и все, что ты делаешь – для меня особенно. Это все потому, что ты мой самый дорогой человек, и я желаю тебе великолепного Нового года!)

I would never be complete without you. With you, the world seems brighter, and everything seems possible. Happy New Year, my love.
(Без тебя я не был бы целой единицей. С тобой мир кажется ярче, и все вокруг кажется возможным. С Новым годом, моя любовь).

Friend, lover, confidante: You are all these to me. I wish for you to receive all the love you have shown me. Happy New Year.
(Друг, любовник, поверенный – это все ты для меня. Я желаю тебе получить всю ту любовь, которую ты подарил(а) мне. С Новым годом.)

New Year is like a blank journal. Every day is a chance to write about the beautiful love story about us. Happy New Year!
(Новый год, как чистый лист. Каждый день – это шанс написать красивую историю любви о нас с тобой. С Новым годом!)

You brought hope and happiness to my empty life. I hope your New Year is as special as special as you are.
(Ты принес(ла) надежду и счастье в мою пустую жизнь. Я надеюсь, что твой новый год будет настолько же особенным, насколько особенн(а) ты сам(а))

Your smile is the brightest star in the sky tonight. I am fortunate to be spending New Year’s Eve with you as we contemplate our future together.
(Твоя улыбка сегодня – самая яркая звезда в небе. Мне повезло провести эту новогоднюю ночь с тобой, впрочем, как и наше совместное будущее.)

Your love has shown me that life is truly wonderful. I look forward to all the adventures and misadventures we will be sharing. Happy New Year, dearest one.
(Твоя любовь показала мне, что жизнь действительно прекрасна. Я с нетерпением жду всех тех приключений и даже злоключений, которые предстоят нам. С Новым годом, мой (-я) единственный (-ая))

I always dreamt of kissing the man I love as the New Year rings in. Thank you for making my dreams come true.
(Я всегда мечтал(а) поцеловать любимого человека под новогодний бой курантов. Спасибо тебе за то, что воплощаешь мои мечты в реальность.)

ЛЕО: Мой любимый пользователь, спасибо тебе за этот год! Давай и дальше продолжим наш совместный путь к идеальному английскому, держась рука за руку!

Новогодние поздравления на английском языке в стихах, с переводом

Стихи будут отлично смотреться в новогодней открытке, а еще – чудесно звучать в исполнении детей 🙂

It will start

As the New Year will start with a cheer,
There will be lots for you my dear
New ideas that will cross your mind,
New things one of a kind

New beginnings for that perfect end,
New emotions to make a blend,
So, have a good time
Wish you a happy new year!

(Это начнется

(Как Новый год начнется с радости,
Так и дальше в нем будет много всего для тебя, мой дорогой
Новые идеи, которые перевернут твое сознание,
Новые вещи, единственные в своем роде.

Новые начала для идеального конца,
Новые эмоции, чтобы смешалось все вокруг,
Поэтому желаю хорошо проводить время
И желаю счастливого Нового года!)

The Past Has Gone By

The past has gone by long ago, it is already history,
But the future is yet to come, it’s the brand new mystery.
So let go of all your bad experiences of the past,
May you have lovely memories this year forever to last.

Have a Happy New Year.

(Прошлое ушло

Прошлое давно ушло, это уже история,
Но будущее еще впереди, и это совершенно новая тайна.
Так что отпусти все плохие переживания в прошлое,
Пусть у тебя навсегда появятся прекрасные воспоминания в этом году.
Счастливого Нового года.)

May the coming year

May the coming year bring surprises all new
May you also get a cue
Do the things that you want to
Do the extraordinary and new

Live every moment of your life
With that lovely smile
You will feel so blessed
In the coming year,

Wish you a very happy new year!

(Пусть грядущий год

Пусть грядущий год принесет тебе сюрпризы
И сигнал к действию,
Чтобы ты начал делать  новое и необычайное,
Что хочешь делать.

Живи каждым моментом
С этой прекрасной улыбкой.
Тебе будет легко и хорошо
В следующем году,

Желаю тебе счастливого Нового года!)

Change is just

Change is just in the date
It is never too early or too late
You can always start afresh
And, never ever blame your fate

The coming year will be all bright
Wish that you always see the light
And darkness never comes to your side,
Wish you a bright and happy new year!

(Перемены – это просто

Перемена – это просто дата.
Перемены никогда не приходят слишком рано или слишком поздно
Ты всегда можешь начать все заново
И никогда никогда не вини свою судьбу.

Предстоящий год будет ярким
Желаю тебе всегда видеть свет.
Тень никогда не ляжет на твою дорогу.
Желаю тебе яркого и счастливого Нового года!)

Make a list of things to do

Make a bucket list of things you want to do
Make a list you have to achieve
This year has gone past by
So put it in the archive

New Year will get you the new feel in life
Everything will be special for you
All will be nice and bright
So, have a awesome year ahead

Wish you a very happy new year!

(Составь список вещей, которые ты хочешь сделать

Составь список вещей, которые ты хочешь сделать
Составь список, чего ты должен достичь
Этот год уже прошел
Так что положи его в архив

Новый год подарит тебе новые ощущения
Все будет особенным для тебя
Все будет красиво и ярко
Так что будущий год будет невероятным.

Желаю тебе счастливого Нового года!)


In soft glistening night of stars,
Hope all your aspirations come true.
May every star present in the sky,
Bring love and mirth to you.

Happy New Year 2017!

(В мягкой блестящей звездной ночи,
Надеюсь, что все твои устремления сбудутся.
Пусть каждая звезда на небе,
Принесет тебе любовь и веселье.

С Новым годом 2017!)


ЛЕО: С новым годом тебя поздравляю
И хорошего английского желаю!

Новогодние поздравления на английском языке для деловых партнеров и коллег

May higher responsibilities come with higher degree of power and wide range of comforts to make your life grand in the coming New Year!
(Пусть более серьезные обязанности приходят вместе с бОльшей силой и огромным выбором приятностей, чтобы сделать вашу жизнь великолепной в наступающем Новом году!)

Welcome responsibilities as it will bring in more chances of being successful and prosperous in this New Year.
(Встречайте новые обязанности и ответственность, поскольку они принесут больше возможностей быть успешным и процветающим в этом Новом году).

May all your endeavors are met with huge success and appreciation. Happy New Year!
(Пусть все ваши усилия встретятся с огромным успехом и высокой оценкой. С Новым годом!)

We wish you a very Happy Holiday season and a peaceful and prosperous New Year.
(Мы желаем вам очень счастливого праздничного сезона и спокойного, благополучного Нового года.)

During this season, we take time to reflect upon the good things we have… like our partnership with you. We appreciate working with you and hope that the holidays and the coming year will bring you happiness and success.
(В это время мы решили подумать о хороших вещах, которые мы имеем… например, наше сотрудничество с вами. Мы высоко ценим это сотрудничество и надеемся, что праздники и наступающий год принесут вам счастье и успех.)

We are grateful for our work with you in 2016, and we look forward to working together in the new year. Happy 2017!
(Мы благодарны за наше сотрудничество в 2016 году и с нетерпением ждем совместной работы в новом году. Счастливого 2017 года!)


ЛЕО: Мой коллега, мой партнер, мой соратник по изучению английского, пусть все твои планы и цели осуществятся в грядущем году! Я держу за тебя кулачки!

Крутые мотивирующие цитаты про новый год

Предлагаем тебе поздравить, а заодно подтолкнуть своих друзей к развитию классным статусом на английском языке 🙂

Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365-page book. Write a good one. – Brad Paisley
(Завтра – первый чистый лист из 365 страниц книги. Напиши хорошую главу. – Брэд Пейсли)

If you asked me for my New Year Resolution, it would be to find out who I am. – Cyril Cusack
(Если вы спросите меня о моем новогоднем обещании, то это – выяснить, кто я есть. – Сирил Кьюсак)

We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year’s Day. – Edith Lovejoy Pierce
(Мы откроем книгу. Ее страницы пусты. Мы собираемся сами написать в ней что-то. Книга называется “Возможность” и ее первая глава – это первый день Нового года. – Эдит Лавджой Пирс)

Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right. – Oprah Winfrey
(Выпьем за новый год и за еще один шанс, чтобы сделать все правильно. – Опра Уинфри)

I hope that in this year to come, you make mistakes. Because if you are making mistakes, then you are making new things, trying new things, learning, living, pushing yourself, changing yourself, changing your world. You’re doing things you’ve never done before, and more importantly, you’re Doing Something. – Neil Gaiman
(Я надеюсь, что в этом году вы натворите ошибок. Потому что если вы делаете ошибки, то вы делаете что-то новое, пробуете новые вещи, обучение, жизнь, толкая себя, изменяя себя, изменяя свой мир. Вы делаете вещи, которые вы никогда не делали раньше, и что еще более важно, вы просто Что-то Делаете. – Нил Гейман)

Write it on your heart that everyday is the best day of the year. – Ralph Waldo Emerson
(Запиши в своем сердце, что каждый день – это лучший день года. – Ральф Уолдо Эмерсон)


ЛЕО: Вдохновись и “порви всех” в новом году. А мой главный мотиватор – это ты и твои успехи! Чтобы ускорить прогресс, скачай приложение Lingualeo и изучай английский язык в игровой форме! С наступающим новым годом!

Читайте также: Новогодние традиции в разных странах, что дарить на Новый год?

The new year means a lot of new dreams and new achievements. You may have had some really good memories about the past one, but you never know what the new one is bringing for you. It’s time to be hopeful, create new dreams, and set new resolutions for the upcoming year in your life. It’s time to connect with each other and embrace what’s new.

If you are excited about the new year that’s soon to occur, it’s time to look at these unique new year wishes and messages because it’s important to extend your warmest wishes for a Happy New Year to your loved ones!

  • New Year Wishes
  • Messages
  • Short
  • Romantic
  • Prayers
  • Friends
  • Family
  • Lover
  • Spouse
  • Colleagues
  • Funny
  • Quotes

Happy New Year 2024! May the New Year bring you happiness, peace, and prosperity.

Happy New Year to you and your family! I hope this new year will bring you all the great things you truly deserve.

Wishing you a joyous 2024! May the blessings of God always remain with you throughout the year!

happy new year 2024

May this new year bring you much joy and fun. Sending my heartiest new year wishes to you!

Happy New Year to you and your family! Wishing you 365 days of good luck!

Wish you and your loved ones a happy and healthy new year. May your home gets filled with good fortune.

May God bless your family with prosperity, good health, and happiness in New Year. Praying that you and your family have a happy and healthy New Year!

A new year is like a blank book. The pen is in your hands. It is your chance to write a beautiful story for yourself. I hope that the new year will be full of positivity for you. Happy new year!

Happy New Year. May God open the door of happiness, success, and prosperity for you in this new year. I hope you get everything that you prayed for in this new year. Many many good wishes to you and your family.

Happy new year to everyone! May every wish of yours get fulfilled in the upcoming year 🎉🥂🎈

Happy New Year {PUT NAME}! May God grace your life with His generosity and blessings!

New year, new tales! Forget the troubles of the last year and only carry the blessings forward. Wish you an awesome 2024.

May the new year offer a fresh start to your life. May you have all your dreams fulfilled. Have a great year ahead!

Wishing you a very happy new year, my friend. I wish you and your family a very happy and prosperous new year. May our friendship never fades away. Have a wonderful year ahead.

Happy New Year, my special one! Starting another year with you, is truly a dream come true. I’m so excited for the year ahead and the fond memories we’ll make in it.

happy new year wishes to you and your family

Happy New Year to you! May the upcoming year bring you holy blessings and peace!

May your new year beings with God’s blessings. I pray that the upcoming year be nice and beautiful for you and your family. May He lead you to the things that you deserve. Best wishes for the new year 2024.

I hope your life will be full of surprise and joy in the new year that’s about to begin. Remember all the good memories you have made and know that your life will be so full of wonders in the coming year. May you be blessed with everything you want in life. Happy New Year 2024!

Happy New Year my friend. I wish you all the blessings and success you truly deserve.

May joy, peace, and success follow you everywhere you go and whatever you do. Have a wonderful new year with your family and friends.

Another year apart, but our love remains strong. May this New Year bring us closer together, and may our dreams of being reunited come true.

Wishing you prosperity, good health, and luck in the coming years. Thank you for staying with us all these years. Happy new year!

I hope that this new year will be the best year of your life. May all your goals be achieved, and all your plans be fulfilled. Have a blessed year ahead!

Wishing you a year full of blessings and filled with a new adventure. Happy new year 2024!

Happy new year, my love. I hope that each of my remaining years starts and ends with you ❤️🎉🥂

Happy New Year, bestie {PUT NAME}! I am sending you my good wishes and prayers for the upcoming new year. May you have a great year and all your prayers be answered!

Happy New Year, dear parents! May you always be in good health and have a sound mind!

We are always thankful to you for choosing us, for trusting us, and for giving us the opportunity to serve you. Happy new year to you and your family!

May this year be the one to cherish. May this year make all your troubles vanish. In 2024, may you only flourish! Happy New Year!

new year msg

Happy New Year my love! I am indeed the luckiest to have spent another year by your side ❤️

I love you more today than I loved you yesterday. And I will love you more tomorrow than I love you today. Happy New Year, My Love!

Years will pass by, but the love I have for you will never fade. I am hoping for a spectacular year with you. Happy new year!

I hope this year turns out to be the best year of your life and your family too. Happy new year!

Happy New Year dear colleagues. Wishing for a year filled with laughter, success, and peace. May God bless each and every one of us and our families.

I am super excited to start another year with you. No matter what days await us, together, we will make it beautiful. Happy New Year darling!

I wish the New Year helps you to let go of the old memories and forget the sad melodies, and let you make new songs with beautiful company!

May this year bring new happiness, new goals, new achievements, and many new inspirations to your life. Wishing you a year fully loaded with happiness.

A new year means 365 new opportunities. Make sure to make the best use of it! Happy new year.

I wish you a very Happy New Year. Hope you have a great time ahead.

new year wishes for love

Cheers to the years we have lived and the ones we are yet to live! Let us make the best use of the new year and become better persons. Happy New Year.

Happy New Year, dear teacher! I hope this new year will shower your life with success, prosperity and happiness that lasts forever!

Happy New Year dear student(s)! Wishing you a very successful year ahead. Always keep in mind that hard work and patience never go unrewarded!

Wishing you all a blissful new year. Hope that joy and success follow you in every sector of life.

Wishing a happy new year to my special person whom I love with all my heart. May this new year be the best one for you, baby. I will always support and love you, sweetheart

Happy New Year Messages

May the new year bring all the good things in life you truly deserve. You had an amazing year already and you’re going to have another more amazing one!

May all the best things in life come your way this year. Wishing you nothing but the best as you prepare yourself to embrace yet another year of your life. May the light of the Almighty guide you toward endless happiness and everlasting glory this new year! Happy new year!

I want to have a new year as bright as your eyes, as sweet as your smile and as happy as our relations are. Happy new year! Wishing you a great new year!

May the joys of the new year last forever in your life. May you find the light that guides you towards your desired destination. Happy new year!

Sending warm regards and hopes for a wonderful and successful New Year! My wish for you this New Year is that you make tremendous progress toward your dreams.

Best friendships are the ones that don’t fade away no matter what. They grow old and make life worth living when things go wrong. Thanks, mate for everything. Have a blessed new year!

My best wishes to you in this upcoming year. Enjoy a joyous and successful new year. Thank you for your unending love, care and all those surprise gifts. I love you a lot.

religious new year message

It is a time for joy and togetherness with the people close to your heart. Let us sing songs of prosperity and fill our hearts with hopes of new beginnings. May you have a joyful New Year my dear friend.

I pray that we have a remarkable new year. Wishing a happy new year to one of the most amazing families in the world. I’m grateful for all the amazing memories that we have made in the past year. Thanks for everything and once again, happy new year!

Life is full of ups and downs but thanks to you guys, I can never feel down. Thanks for being my support. I love you so much. Happy New Year. May God bless you.

Wishing you good health and a good life in the coming year. May you find everything you’ve been searching for in life. Happy new year!

May the best day of last year becomes every day in this new year for you. May you be happy in every aspect of your life throughout the year!

Forget the shortcomings of the previous year and embrace this fresh start with utmost zeal. Welcome this year with renewed hope and high spirit! Wish you and your dear ones a happy new year.

Wishing a very happy new year to all my friends and their family. I’m grateful for all the good times we shared and waiting for many more to create this new year. Enjoy your holidays!

Every new year greets us with many moments of joy, sadness, success and failure. Each of these moments is an opportunity for us to learn and turn out to be stronger. May all your dreams come true and your sorrows disappear.

new year message

Every day with you is a memory worth cherishing. I’m looking forward to many more amazing years together, love. Hope this year will bring enormous joy and happiness for you!

Happy New Year to you! Looking forward to all the joy, opportunities, and success 2024 has to offer! Let us end this year with a grateful heart and welcome 2024 with hopeful smiles.

We have started another year and I know together we will bring more happiness. Every New Year with you I feel like I am one of the luckiest wives in the world. Happy new year, sweetheart.

Wishing all of you a joyous ride as you prepare yourself to welcome the new year. Have the time of your life and make this a memorable one to cherish for the rest of your life!

This new year, I promise to find many new ways to love you. Wishing you all the happiness of this world. Remember the good moments we had last year, and let’s make some better moments this new year.

Short New Year Wishes

As we close the last chapter of the year, we often reflect on moments and consider any regrets. However, a true new beginning emerges when we keep our gaze forward, fostering positive changes in our lives. Before 2024 begins, spread messages of good vibes, happiness, and success among your peers! Wish your dear ones a Happy New Year with short, charming wishes!

Wish you a joyous and prosperous new year!

Happy new year 2024! Enjoy every bit of it!

Have a happy new year and a blessed life.

HNY! May all the success embrace you this year!

I wish you 365 days of infinite happiness in the year 2024. Happy New Year!

Wishing my sweetheart, a wonderful start to the new year.

Hope the coming year turns into the best one so far! Happy New Year!

May the new year bring happiness and glory to you, my love. Happy new year 2024.

Wish you a wonderful year full of health and wealth.

Happy New Year! I hope you can get another step closer to your goal in the year ahead!

Happy New Year! I hope all your dreams come true in 2024!

Happy New Year, dear {name}! You’re simply the best.

Happy new year to the sweetest person alive. Thanks for being in my life.

May 2024 erases past regrets and paints new moments to cherish for us! Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! My best wishes for all the adventures that lie in 2024.

Happy New Year! I hope this new year comes with the success you hope to attain!

Let go of all your worries this year and live like there’s no tomorrow. Happy New Year!

May the coming year be the most fruitful year of our lives. Happy new year to all!

May the Almighty shower you with endless blessings in the coming year.

Happy New Year! May God pour all happiness and prosperity on you in this New Year!

Happy New Year! May 2024 bring positive changes and abundant progress to your life!

Happy New Year! I hope all your endeavors in 2024 are successful.

Happy New Year 2024! May it be one of your finest years yet.

Romantic New Year Wishes

Spending New Year’s Eve with your significant other makes it all the more special! The love of your life holds a precious place in your heart and it’s only fair that you wish them a Happy New Year with some unique Romantic wishes! Here we are giving you some ideas to wish your loved one for the upcoming year. Let your heart speak with these romantic new year wishes that can express your love and care for them. Choose your desired one and send it to them.

Happy New Year, love! The best New Year gift would be a warm hug and a sweet kiss from you!

My new year resolution is to love you more than I did last year. I promise to make this new year a wonderful one for you. Happy new year love ❤️

Cheers to another year of growing old together and loving each other. You are the best thing that ever happened to me. Happy New Year!

No matter what happens in 2023, I’ll forever be there for you. Happy new year 2024!

Happy New Year! There wouldn’t be a moment ever when my heart doesn’t beat for you, love!

I feel so blessed to start the new year with my soulmate, lover, and my love. May this new year be full of lots of love and romance. I promise to love you till my last breath, baby. Let this togetherness shine always!

Romantic New Year Wish

Happy New Year, my love. I hope 2024 comes into our life with nothing but good vibes, positive energy, and messages of union! May our love flourish, our adoration multiply and our good times never end in the year ahead. Looking forward to all the memories we are about to make!

We’ve come a long way together. I wish to make this ride last forever! Happy New Year, darling!

There is nothing in this world that can weaken my love for you. I am yours till the end of time. Wishing you a year full of love!

Happy new year to the love of my life. Stay the amazing human that you are and keep shining bright wherever you go!

Cheers to the old year and all the lovely days that we have spent together, my love. Let’s make the new year even more special! Happy 2024!

As long as you are with me, I don’t need any other reason to celebrate the new year. You’re all the reasons I need to smile. Wishing you a happy new year!

Your existence in my life is the best gift ever, honey. So at the start of another year, I wish us everlasting togetherness.

Happy New Year, sweetheart! Nothing seems more exciting than the prospect of spending another 365 days with the love of my life!

I was so busy in loving you that I barely noticed one more year had been spent. Happy new year my love! Wish you all the happiness in this world!

It doesn’t matter how many years come and go- I will always cherish all our beautiful moments no matter what. I love you, sweetheart. Happy New Year.

This new year, I have so many reasons to feel lucky, but you’re the biggest of them all. Happy new year, sweetheart ❤️

Every day I fall in love with you more than the previous day but certainly less than the upcoming one. I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with you, babe. Happy New Year.

Getting to start another year with you is such a blessing, and I couldn’t be more grateful. Happy New Year, beautiful!

It’s tough to put into words how much you mean to me. I will choose you again and again because I am truly, madly, and deeply in love with you. Happy New Year 2024.

Your sweet smile can make me forget my deepest pain and my hardest sorrows. Happy new year dear. You’re the reason why new years are so amazing!

I can never think of a year without you. Thank you for always being there for me and for always making me smile throughout the year. Happy New year!

You are undoubtedly the best human being that I have ever met in my life. There are so many things to learn from you. Wishing you a wonderful year ahead!

Read More: Romantic New Year Wishes and Messages

Religious New Year Wishes and Prayers

Each moment of our lives is a grace from God Almighty. It is by the power of His mercy and blessings that we are able to lead a fruitful life. As the year is coming to an end, it’s time to count our blessings and seek benevolence from God for the upcoming days too. So wish your dear ones with Religious New Year wishes and pray for their good health and prosperity.

Praying that you have a truly remarkable and blissful year ahead! Happy new year to you and your family!

May God grant you and your family good health and happiness. Happy New Year 2024!

I pray that the Lord grants me to have some amazing moments with you. May God be with you every day of this new year. Never lose faith in Him and always do good to people.

I pray that God will help you to fulfill all your dreams and goals this new year. Happy new year!

I pray for the betterment of you and your family in the coming year. May you be guided towards the path of love and redemption. Happy new year!

Happy New Year wishes and my loving prayers to you. May God always watch over you and make your life more blissful than ever.

My best wishes and prayers to all my family and friends in this new year. Throughout the years your kindness and care made me the person I am. I cannot appreciate it enough. I wish you all the best in this new year.

May your new year be filled with everything new and everything true. Have a blessed year ahead.

New Year Wishes and Prayers

I pray that Jesus Christ bestows his mercy upon you throughout the year ahead. Happy New Year!

Nothing can drag you down when you are in God’s hands. So never doubt God’s plan. He surely has written the best for you. I wish you all the very best for the upcoming year. Happy new year.

I pray that God protects you from every danger and anxiety in this new year and all the coming years of your life. Have a Happy New Year!

Wishing you a very happy and prosperous new year. On this new year, may Lord bless you with all the success that you deserve. Work hard, pray to Him and leave the rest in His hands.

There are no guarantees in life. The only certain thing is the love of God. May God bless you and give you serenity. Happy New Year!

I pray that the Lord strengthens your resolve and gives you the strength to persevere. I wish you the best in the next year.

There is no end to God’s mercy, so remember that mercy whenever you feel like quitting. May the new year bring you a bunch of happiness and success.

May the sweet lord fill your path with an abundance of success and prosperity. May he guide you to eternal peace and happiness! Happy New Year!

I hope in the coming year, God Almighty protects you from evil and guides your heart towards meaningful paths. Happy New Year!

Sending best wishes to my best mate for the new year! May God bless you abundantly and always keep you in His mercy.

May the almighty shower your life with the love of dear ones and keep you always on the right path in life. Happy new year to you and your family!

May the blessings of Christ be always with you in all the ups and downs of your life. May your life be happy and joyful forever. Happy New Year!

Wishing you a happy and fruitful year ahead. Forget the failure of the past and get ready to embrace a victorious future. May our Heavenly Father bless you to make 2024 more successful than 2023. Ameen.

Happy New Year Wishes for Friends

A year cannot go smoothly if our friends don’t stick to us through our crises and joys. Their advice and encouragement stay with us in our trying times, and they take part in our achievements without a hitch! So on New Year’s Eve, let your friends know how much you cherish them! Wish them a Happy New Year through unique greetings messages and pray sincerely for their prosperity and advancements! Say welcome to the new vibe and goodbye to the old ones with this happy new year wishes for friends.

Happy new year, friend. May this new year be full of colors, happiness, and prosperity in your life.

Happy New Year my friends! Wishing you a happy new year full of opportunities and good things.

New year comes and goes, but our friendship will remain the same. Wishing you a happy new year.

Happy New Year my friend! God must have restored only the good things for you!

May all your dreams come true and may you find the love of your life this new year. Thank you for being such a good friend to me!

Wishing you a spectacular year ahead with lots of blessings and cheerful moments. Enjoy life throughout the year! Happy New Year, Friend!

I’m forever lucky to have a precious friend like you in my life, buddy! May our friendship never fade out despite however much time passes by! Happy New Year to you! Hoping for us to stay as tight, crazy, and supportive as ever!

The best thing that ever happened to me in life is you and your friendship! Wishing you an exciting year ahead!

Happy New Year Wish for Friend

Thank you for holding on to me when things get hard and I get tired of life. May Lord bless our bond and you – forever and always. Have a great holiday. Happy New Year.

Happy New Year Dear Bestie! Wishing you to stay blessed, protected, cherished, and valued throughout 2024! You deserve it all!

Thanks for all the good memories of the past year. Wishing you a spectacular new year ahead, my dear friend.

Whether it’s the end or the beginning, a friend like you is always a blessing. I hope this year will bring a lot of happy moments for you and your family! Happy new year!

The friendship that we share is a treasure for me and I pray that our bond remains the same no matter how many years come and go. Happy new year to my lovely friend.

I am counting my blessings on this new year and you are one of them. I am truly blessed to have a supportive friend like you. Friends like you are rare to find. I hope this year makes our friendship stronger. Happy new year, best friend.

Life is nothing but a journey, and without good company, this journey can feel boring and tiresome. I am lucky that I have you in my life. Happy new year, dear friend!

Happy New Year! Last year was a special year in my life because I met you. Next year will be special because I already have you as my best friend!

May you become a billionaire this new year, so I don’t have to pay your restaurant bills anymore 😉 Wishing you a prosperous year ahead!

I have received many blessings in life, but you will always be the best one that God has ever given me. Happy new year my friend!

I may not always appreciate you as a friend, but deep in my heart, I have a place for you that no one can ever take. Happy new year!

Time may leave scars on our bodies, but it can never affect our friendship. Wherever we are, no matter how far from each other, our friendship will always remain the same! Happy new year!

Read More: New Year Wishes for Friends and Family

Happy New Year Messages for Family

Nothing can replace the significance of family in our lives. They are by our side through thick and thin, and their well-being matters the most to us. On the advent of 2024, remind your family how precious they are for you! Send them some love-filled New Year Wishes to express your gratefulness and acknowledgment. Begin the New Year surrounded by the warmth of your cherished family!

May your days fill up with laughter, love, and tranquility in the coming year. Happy New Year to my family members!

It doesn’t matter how far I am from you guys; I’ll always be missing you and especially now, because it’s New Year’s Eve. Happy new year!

Let us make a new start with the beginning of the new year. I pray that God keeps our family happy, healthy, and safe in the new year. Wishing everyone a marvelous new year!

Happy New Year, dear parents! May you experience abundant good moments and happiness in the next year!

Happy New Year Mom and Dad! I pray and hope that the new year will bring you comfort and peace and that you both have a wonderful year ahead of you.

Wishing a very happy new year to the ones who brought me into this world! I’m forever indebted to you for all the love and care. I hope this year blesses you with the best.

Happy new year, dad. You’re the person I’ve looked up to since childhood and no matter how old I grow, you’ll be my idol.

Happy New Year my lovely sister! May this happy New Year 2024 fill your life with new hope and fulfill all your dreams. May you have prosperity and happiness this new year.

To a wonderful sister who has always been there for me: Happy New Year! Thank you for the love and happiness you’ve brought me over the years, and may this New Year offer you even more of the same.

May all the good wishes and good things be yours this year. Happy new year brother!

Dear Brother, as we usher in the New Year. I wish to send you the warmest greetings of happiness and good health. May you have a wonderful year ahead!

Here’s wishing you a Happy New Year, sweetheart! We love you a lot and always pray for your happiness!

Our family could not be complete without you. You have brought joy and peace into this family. We wish you a very happy new year with lots of blessings.

Happy new year son! I feel proud to see how handsome and strong you’ve grown up to be. I never doubted that someday you’d achieve everything you wanted in life because you’re my son.

Our family is a garden and you are the most beautiful flower in it. Wishing my little princess a very happy new year. May all your wishes come true!

May your dreams and hopes come into life in this coming year. May you fulfill your ambitions and achieve what you desire in life. Happy new year, daughter!

Our lovely son, Happy New Year! Keep moving forward with passion in your heart so that you can reach your dreams soon!

I wait the entire year just for this time in the year to get back to my sweet home to spend New Year’s Eve with my sweet family. Happy new year to everyone!

Happy New Year to my loving family! Our home has always been a safe haven for me, while you all have been the loudest cheerleaders to my triumphs. I pray that our family remains a holy place of love, peace, and guidance for us all.

Happy New Year to my lovely family! Let us count our blessings for this year and be grateful to each other!

Happy New Year, dear family! May the current year bid us farewell with no regrets, so the coming one can lead us to a glorious future!

Happy New Year Wishes For Lover

Happy New Year, Babe! Wishing you better days ahead because you deserve the best!

Wishing for a better year with new opportunities and beautiful moments. Happy New Year, sweetie. Have a great year ahead.

Your love is like a melody in my head that calms my mind and sweetens my life. Your existence is a gift I received from God. Wishing you a happy new year filled with love!

Happy New Year, baby! May this upcoming year bring you laughter and joy, happiness and success, and may God bless us, bringing us closer and uniting us for good!/p>

Happy New Year Love! Each moment I spent last year with you made me realize how important you are in my life. I don’t want to lose you ever. You are the inspiration and hope of my life. May you have a blissful year ahead.

I don’t care if it’s Monday or Tuesday or Wednesday- I need you every day with me. Happy New Year, girlfriend. Lots of love and kisses.

It’s easy to find happiness, but it’s not always easy to find pure joy and peace of mind. Before this new year begins, darling, I promise to give you both in abundance. Happy new year!

new year wishes for lover

I can’t believe I am going to spend a new year with the most beautiful lady in the world. Thank you for giving me a chance to love you. Happy new year!

I want to spend the new year just like the last year. It was so full of love and compassion. I hope the new year will be nothing less than that. Happy New Year to my amazing boyfriend!

Every new year of my life can only be full of love and romance because you’re in my life. I look forward to spending one more beautiful year with you!

The only wish I have for the new year is that I want to make you feel happy always and forever. Your happiness will always be my priority number one!

Thank you for making my life less miserable and more fulfilling. You add new colors to my life. I love you so much. Happy New Year.

It’s not the beauty of you; it’s the beauty of your heart’s face that made me fall in love with you. I want a thousand new years with you in my life!

God has given me another opportunity to love you so dearly. I call it a new year! Happy new year, sweetheart! You’re the best thing that happened to me!

You’re a mystery unsolved, a spell unbroken, and a treasure undiscovered. This new year, let me be the Sherlock Holmes of your story! Happy new year!

You are the true sunshine in my life. Each moment with you gives me a glimpse of heaven. Thank you for everything. Stay with me, forever and always. Happy New Year.

Happy New Year, dear! I hope the upcoming year brings you nothing but more chances to shine and reach your dreams!

You are the only one I need in my life, thanks for being my constant dear girlfriend. Love you to the moon and back. Wishing you a Happy New Year. Be happy and have fun, always.

The feeling I have for you in my heart always gives me so much inspiration and hope for the future. Your love is burning flame that fuels my mind and keeps my heart beating! Happy new year!

If I could live a thousand years on this earth, I’d choose to live with you all of it. Your love means everything to me now. Happy new year!

God has been too kind to send someone like you into my life. I want to make sure that this gift of god stays with me forever. Happy new year!

I am looking forward to spending many more romantic moments with you throughout the next year. Thank you for blessing my life with your presence. Happy new year handsome!

I feel lucky that I have a gem like you in my life. You make everything easier and simpler. Thank you for being such amazing support. Happy New Year 2024.

You have no clue how much impact you have in my life. Thanks for choosing me over and over again. Happy New Year, honey. I love you.

This upcoming year I wish to God that he may help you with everything and bless you throughout the year. Happy New Year, Sweetheart.

You deserve to reach the pinnacle of success, may the year ahead provides you with prosperity! Happy New Year!

Happy New Year Messages For Spouse

Thanks for being the loveliest wife in this world. I really want to make this year very special for you. Happy new year my dear wife!

You filled my life with an abundance of love, joy, and smiles. You’re the kind of wife only a fortunate one can get. Happy new year!

Happy New Year, Hubby! Hoping to create more special memories and spend cheerful moments with you!

May this new year make our bond stronger, and may we live happily with our family. Thanks for your hard work and dedication to me and the kids. Wishing you an exciting year.

My love, I want to express my deepest love and gratitude for the love and care you show me daily. This new year, may you have everything you deserve because you are the best husband.

Happy New Year to my man, who always amazes me how fantastic life can be after marriage. I am glad that I met you and married you! Happy New Year.

You are the biggest blessing of my life. You have made every dream of mine come true. May the new year bring all the joy that you deserve! Happy new year honey!

You did not only complete me, but you also completed my home and my world. I want to spend every year of my life loving you. Wish you a happy new year!

You are a wonder woman, love! Wishing the new year is full of joy and adventures for you! Happy New Year!

new year wishes for love

The unconditional love I received from you can never be repaid. I can only promise you that I will do whatever it takes to keep you happy in life. Happy new year!

Honey, each day, I count my blessings and realize how lucky I am to have you in my life! May we stick together for the rest of our lives! Happy New Year!

My heart is like an ocean full of love for you. The love I have for you is so deep and it can never run dry. Wishing you a long and healthy life! Happy new year!

On the occasion of the new year, I want to thank you for all the hard work and effort that you do every day for us and for the family. You never fail to amaze me, sweetheart. Happy new year!

I have spent so many years with you, but still, every new year feels like the first year of our love. Thanks for being in my life dearest. Happy new year to you!

Happy New Year, darling! May our little home gets filled with warm love and affection in the days ahead!

My life has been more like a fairy tale since you came into my life. You’ve made all sadness in my life vanish with a touch of your love. Happy new year!

I don’t think I can ever have a bad year in my life as long as you’re in it. You’re really the best life partner ever. Happy new year!

My love, I am so fortunate that I get to spend the rest of my life with you! Happy New Year!

Another great year is on its way. Just wanted to thank you for being the prince of my fairytale. I love you till death tears us apart and even after that. Happy New Year.

At the end of this year, thank you for all the hard work you do for us daily. Not everyone gets a supportive and caring husband like you. Wishing you a happy new year!

Read More: New Year Messages For Husband

New Year Wishes for Colleagues

If you are in the professional world, maintaining good relationships with your colleagues is essential for creating a pleasant office environment. The New Year provides an excellent opportunity to express your gratitude towards them and strengthen those connections. For individuals like you, we’ve compiled the best New Year wishes for colleagues and bosses, allowing you to share your greetings with them.

Happy New Year, dear colleagues! Wishing you a year full of productivity, progress, and prosperity!

May the new year comes with all the success you deserve. Happy New Year, my dear coworker.

Happy New Year to the best work colleagues anyone could ever ask for. I hope you will enjoy every success in the upcoming year. May God bless you.

Happy new year, Sir! Working for you has been the most incredible experience of my life. I have learned and I have grown so much since I joined your team.

Happy New Year, Boss. Thank you for always sharing your wisdom and helping us to perform better. Hope you have a great year with success and joy.

I wish this new year will prove to be a happy and prosperous year for you. Happy new year to my brilliant colleague!

May the upcoming year bring fruitfulness to each and every hard work of yours. Happy New Year, my favorite colleague. Have a great holiday.

I hope you’ll turn every opportunity into success in the coming year. Keep yourself prepared for everything. You’ll always have my full support. Happy new year!

New Year Wishes for Work Colleagues

Happy New Year to an incredible colleague! Your expertise and work ethics are always so inspiring to us. Thank you for your relentless efforts throughout this tiring year. May your hard work pays off in 2024 too!

Thank you for supporting us all the way through to achieve something great this year. You will always be our role model. Happy new year dear senior!

Dear boss, your wisdom and guidance have been a light for us in the past, and we wish the same for the future. Wishing you a new year filled with achievements and accomplishments.

Wishing you a year full of good luck and good deals. May your life be blessed with peace and prosperity in the new year and all the years to follow. Happy new year!

Happy new year! You are undoubtedly the best ever colleague anyone had. Working with you is such fun. Wishing you a grand promotion and salary increment ahead!

I hope this new year will bring you a lot of new opportunities to show the world once again that you are a genius. Happy new year!

You and I always make a great team in whatever we do. Hopefully, we will keep this up in the next year too! happy new year!

The office seems less hectic for having a colleague like you. You motivate me to do my best. Thanks for always supporting me. Wishing you a happy new year full of happiness and good health.

Not every employee is so fortunate to have a supportive boss like you. Your support always makes my job easier for me. Wish you a happy new year!

My boss, no one can handle the office so efficiently as you. You are not only the best boss but a perfect mentor at the same time. Wishing you a happy new year!

It’s you who taught me that business is not all about money but about making this world a better place for people. Happy new year to the best boss ever!

Dear colleague, your prowess and diligence have always been exemplary! I’m blessed to have you as my colleague. May you achieve more triumphs in 2024 as well. Happy New Year!

I pray that this new year takes you to the peak point of success. You are one of the most supportive and closest colleagues in the office and thanks for making my hectic days awesome!

Happy New Year, Boss! May this year you reach your goals faster than ever. Wishing you all the best for the upcoming projects. Have a great year.

Doing business with you is always a pleasure. Hopefully, we’ll have more business with each other next year than last year. Happy new year!

Read More: New Year Messages for Colleagues

Inspirational New Year Wishes

May the new year be the year to reach your goals and achieve the milestones in your life.

May the past years take away all your failures and sadness and may the new year lead you to the road to success! Happy new year.

Let’s thank the year which has given us so many memories to remember as we prepare ourselves for the one which is about to take its place!

I wish you an amazing Happy New Year! Take good care of yourself and give your best in whatever you do.

Happy New Year, my darling. Allow the new year to be your year; pursue your dreams and seize every opportunity. Don’t allow anyone to tell you otherwise; live for yourself.

New is the year, new are the hopes, new is the resolution, new are the spirits, and new are my warm wishes just for you. Have a promising and fulfilling New Year!

May luck favor you, may your dreams come true, and may you always stay cheerful, never feeling blue. Wishing you a very Happy New Year!

Last year was full of success and achievements for you. Let’s see what the new year has in store. Wishing you a happy new year!

Hoping for only the best to happen to you throughout this new year. May the dreams that didn’t come true last year become a reality this year!

Enjoy every moment of the year leaving us and embracing the new opportunities of the new one! It’s time to welcome a year to add new colors and new stories to your life. Happy new year!

No one knows what tomorrow holds. But I know from the deepest corner of my heart that you all will have a wonderful year ahead. Happy new year!

May this upcoming year be as much glorified as you wish for it to be. Make this year more memorable than ever by accomplishing all your goals. Have a safe and happy new year.

Cheers to the new year! Give your dreams a pair of wings so they can take you where you want to be this year!

It doesn’t matter how many times we got it wrong. This year, let’s say we are going to get it right. Happy new year to everybody out there!

Cheers to the New Year, cheers to conquering all the fear! Wishing you all the best for the year ahead!

This year, let’s fill the pages of life with new experiences and beautiful memories. Happy new year to you!

Let your achievements of the old year make way for more success this year. Wishing you a great year ahead!

My New Year’s wish for you is that even though life is unpredictable, you never lose sight of your goals. All the best for the New Year!

Optimism, opportunity and opulence- these are what I want you to have in the upcoming year. May you have a happy new year and many successful endeavors.

May the New Year come with growth and prosperity, enriching us physically, mentally and spiritually. Happy New Year to everyone.

New Year Greeting Card Messages

Happy New Year! May the upcoming year bring you the glory and joy you deserve!

May this new year be filled with exciting new opportunities for you. Have a glorious year ahead. Happy new year 2024!

Loving you more than I did last year is the very first new year’s resolution on my list!

Wishing you an amazing new year! Have a lovely celebration and keep smiling throughout the year.

Happy New Year! I pray that your year ahead goes smoothly and peacefully.

Happy New Year! May 2024 bring newer passions, more joyful memories and loads of good fortune to your life.

Happy New Year 2024! May your new year be like the fireworks of New Year’s Eve- bright, happy, and full of life!

New Year Card Messages

Happy New Year! Cheers to all the joy and success that awaits in 2024.

Happy New Year! May 2024 be the year of growth and peace for you and for your loved ones.

Your love filled up my heart with happiness that I have never felt. You gave me a life that I never knew existed. Wishing my love a great new year!

Happy New Year, brother! Cheers to a fresh start and a bright future.

My love, you are a ray of sunshine and you make my whole world shine. May this new year keep you safe and smiling.

As the new year renews all the happiness and good tidings, hope the joyful spirit keeps glowing in your heart forever! Happy New Year!

Happy New Year, my beloved sister. May this new year bring you an abundance of opportunity, and may all of your dreams come true.

Nothing lasts forever, but the love between us has no end. I’m grateful for the amazing man by my side. Happy new year, handsome!

Keep smiling, forget tears, cherish the good, let go of the bad! Wishing you a Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! May you thrive and conquer the greater peaks of success in the days ahead!

May the New Year start with fresh joys and a life filled with peace. May you get warmth and togetherness and prosperity too. Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! Wishing you get blessed with lovely opportunities this year, love you.

Happy New Year, my love. I promise to be by your side throughout this year and be the man that you deserve.

Wishing you a Happy New Year with the hope that you will have many blessings in the year to come.

Happy new year. Enjoy the celebration of the first day and let the enthusiasm last for the rest of the days too.

New Year Quotes

“Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right.” – Oprah Winfrey

“May all your troubles last as long as your New Year’s resolutions!” – Joey Adams

“Happy New Year to you all! May the charm of each new day sparkle in our hearts!”

“Sending you good vibes and best wishes on this new year. May this year make all your dreams come true.”

“One more year with you, and I can’t believe we have spent so many years together. You are everything I need to be happy in this new year.”

“Ring out the old, ring in the new, Ring, happy bells, across the snow: The year is going, let him go; Ring out the false, ring in the true.” – Alfred Lord Tennyson

“Life is not about possession; it is about appreciation. New hopes and aspirations. Happy New Year!”

“Stand in awe of Him, and be grateful for each and everything that God has blessed you with.” – Robert Woeger

“May you be gifted with health, wealth, and everlasting delight on New Year’s Eve. Happy New Year!”

Quotes About New Year

“For last year’s words belong to last year’s language. And next year’s words await another voice. And to make an end is to make a beginning.” – T.S. Eliot

“A New Year is like a blank book, and the pen is in your hands. It is your chance to write a beautiful story for yourself. Happy New Year.”

“The new year stands before us, like a chapter in a book, waiting to be written. We can help write that story by setting goals.” – Melody Beattie

“May the advent of a new year make love bloom in your heart! Happy New Year, dear!”

“Hope Smiles from the threshold of the year to come, Whispering ‘it will be happier’…” – Alfred Lord Tennyson

“Drop the last year into the silent limbo of the past. Let it go, for it was imperfect, and thank God that it can go.” – Brooks Atkinson

“What the New Year brings to you will depend a great deal on what you bring to the New Year.” – Vern McLellan

“For a new year to bring you something new, make a move, like a butterfly tearing its cocoon! Make a move!” – Mehmet Murat ildan

“We all get the exact same 365 days. The only difference is what we do with them.” – Hillary DePiano

“Approach the New Year with resolve to find the opportunities hidden in each new day.” – Michael Josephson

“We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year’s Day.” – Edith Lovejoy Pierce

“If you are reviled for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you.” – Mary DeMuth

Funny New Year Messages

It’s the time of the year to make new year’s resolutions that you know you can never keep. But you’ll do it anyway. Happy new year!

One more year has gone, and you’re still the dumb person you were always. Let’s hope you can be a better person this year!

Thanks for being my partner in crime throughout the last year. This new year, we are going to take ourselves to a new height. So, buckle up, buttercup!

New years are like restart buttons to start things over again, except for the fact that your device is long dead. Have an enjoyable new year!


You know what my favorite part of the new year is? I always make my resolutions when I’m drunk so that I never am committed to them. Happy New Year.

I’m not making any new resolutions for the New Year. I’m really good at annoying you, and I’ll simply continue on that path!

May all your problems vanish as quickly as your new year’s resolution does every year. I wish you a happy new year full of happiness!

Life has taught me that no matter what you say and how hard you try, you can never stop some people from making stupid new year’s resolutions! Happy new year!

I’m planning to come to your house on the 31st of December so that on the 1st of Jan, I can say – I have been living in your house for a year! Happy New Year.

Keep making the same old mistakes, but do it in a new way. Accept my heartfelt, warm wishes for this new year. All the best!

Last year was bad. Hoping this new year will be the best with lots of parties and drinks. Happy new year, buddy!

You have accomplished so much the last I doubt there’s anything left for you to accomplish. What are you going to do this year, buddy?

Do not ever change yourself just because people want you to. You are one of a kind. In fact, so unique that you need to be preserved in a museum! Happy new year!

Read More: 80+ Funny New Year Messages

Happy New Year Captions

Happy New Year my love {TAG_NAME} ! I don’t need any more reasons to be happy as long as you are with me.

Happy New Year to my friends and family! May the upcoming year bring a bounty of happiness, peace and prosperity.

Sending you lots of love and good vibes at the beginning of this wonderful year! #HappyNewYear2024 🎉🎉

Happy New Year to my all friends. May every day of 2024 come with pleasant surprises and a whole lot of memories.

May the New Year have many blessings in store for you. May you experience hope and kindness wherever you go.

Happy New Year Captions

Happy New Year, honey. You deserve all the hugs and kisses for brightening up my world.

Happy New Year bestie {tag name}. May our friendship grow stronger in the new year and may God bless us with fun and cheer.

Happy New Year, my special one! Thank you for the tremendous amount of joy that you bring to my life. I adore you more than anything.

Happy New Year to all. I hope you have a dazzling celebration on New Year’s Eve and start the fresh year with renewed hope and zeal.

Spending the new year with my family is one of the best things. Happy new year to my lovely family.

Happy new year to my darling daughter/son. Wishing you love and luck in 2024.

Let all your sorrows go with the previous year and embrace the newness and blessings that 2024 brings. #HappyNewYear 🎉🎊🥳

As you count the new year, look upon the blessings God has showered you with. Be grateful, and enjoy the new year!

Every tomorrow holds new promises for you. Every new year comes with countless opportunities. Grab them all and make your moments count. Happy new year to you all!

As another year arrives, I wish you all the love and happiness that the world has to offer. Have a blessed year ahead!

Feel the magic of New Year’s Eve all around you and hop onto the fresh year with a wonderful celebration. Happy New Year 2024!

A new year is a time to celebrate, rejoice, and reflect on the year that just passed. It’s also a time to encourage, inspire your loved ones. A new year opens the door for new happiness and opportunities. New year greetings through texts or notes is a must on the 31st night. But don’t go for the same old saying, ‘happy new year’. Wish your friends, family, lover, spouse, colleague, or literally anyone with our finely written new year messages.

We have compiled here just what you need to convey some positive thoughts and inspiring words to your family, friends, husband, wife, boyfriend, and girlfriend. These new year wishes hold special magic that can fill the hearts of your dear ones with pleasure and peace. Inspire them by wishing them a happy new year and letting them know that you’re always there for them with your heartfelt good wishes. Also, don’t forget to share on social media like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to wish your friends and follower a happy new year with a photo caption! There is no better way of welcoming a new year than wishing people heartfelt new year wishes like these!

Wishes for a Happy New Year and Merry Christmas

Снеговик в цилиндреВ последние дни уходящего года, нужно успеть так много сделать: купить и украсить ёлку; найти супер оригинальные подарки для родных, друзей и коллег; закрыть хвосты в учёбе или на работе; запастись продуктами, сладостями, вином и фруктами; продумать праздничное меню; а кое-кому нужно ещё поздравить зарубежных коллег и друзей на английском языке…

Улыбающийся смайликВот тут-то и пригодится этот список новогодних и рождественских поздравлений на английском языке с переводом.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Веселого Рождества и Счастливого Нового Года!
Happy New Year To You! С Новым годом!
Merry Christmas To You! Веселого Рождества!
Happy 20… To You! Счастливого 20… года!
Warmest Wishes For Christmas! Наилучшие пожелания к Рождеству.
Bright and Joyful Christmas! Яркого и радостного Рождества!
Happiness, Prosperity and Success! Счастья, процветания и успехов!
With Christmas Greetings and all Good Wishes for the New Year! С рождественскими поздравлениями и самыми добрыми пожеланиями в новом году!
Best wishes for a pleasant and successful New Year! Наилучшие пожелания доброго и успешного Нового года!
Рождественская картинка
May this Christmas be so special that you never ever feel lonely again and be surrounded by loved ones throughout! Пусть в это Рождество и весь грядущий год с тобой будут близкие и любящие люди!
May all your days be merry and bright and may your Christmas be white! Merry Christmas! Пусть все Ваши дни будут весёлыми, а Рождество белым и пушистым, как снег! Весёлого Рождества!
Sending the warmest Christmas wishes to you and your family. May God shower his choicest blessings on you and your family this Christmas! Посылаю тебе и твоей семье самые тёплые пожелания на Рождество. Пусть в этот день Господь ниспошлёт на вас своё благословение!
It is that time of the year again, when you are thankful for everything merry and bright. May this Christmas be a delight! Wishing you a Merry Christmas! Снова наступило время поблагодарить Господа за все хорошее и яркое, что произошло за этот год! Пусть это Рождество будет радостным! Весёлого Рождества!
You are special, you are unique; may your Christmas be also as special and unique as you are! Merry Christmas! Вы особенны и уникальны, пускай ваше Рождество будет таким же особенным и уникальным! Счастливого Рождества!
Wish you a Merry Christmas and may this festival bring abundant joy and happiness in your life! Желаю вам весёлого Рождества! Пусть этот праздник принесёт много веселья и счастья!
May this Christmas be bright and cheerful and may the New Year begin on a prosperous note! Пусть это Рождество будет ярким и весёлым, а Новый Год принесёт только удачу и процветание!
Seasons greetings and best wishes for the New Year. Поздравления с наступлением зимы и наилучшие пожелания к Новому году.
All of us at (your company name) join in sending season’s greetings with all good wishes for the new year. Все мы в лице нашей компании шлем зимние поздравления с наилучшими пожеланиями в новом году.
To our customers and friends, we at (your company name) extend our best wishes for a joyous holiday season and prosperous new year. Нашим клиентам и друзьям: мы от лица своей компании шлем вам наилучшие пожелания для весёлых зимних праздников и успешного нового года.
At the close of another year, we gratefully take time to wish you a happy holiday season and prosperous new year. С приближением очередного года мы с удовольствием выбрали время, чтобы пожелать вам счастливых новогодних праздников и успешного нового года.
In appreciation of our association during the past year, everyone at (your company name) extends our very best wishes for a wonderful holiday season.
Wish you a Merry Christmas and may this festival bring abundant joy and happiness in your life!
В благодарность за наше сотрудничество в течение прошлого года, каждый в нашей компании готов присоединиться к наилучшим пожеланиям в честь замечательных зимних праздников.
Желаем вам весёлого Рождества и пусть этот праздник принесёт вам в изобилии радость и счастье!
In appreciation of our association during the past year we extend our very best wishes! May this season of joy open doors to new opportunities and pave new paths of success for you! В благодарность за сотрудничество в уходящем году мы выражаем наши наилучшие пожелания. Пусть это праздничное время откроет двери к новым возможностям и укажет пути к успеху!
There is no better time than the holidays to say thank you for your work. Looking forward to continue our warm association in the year ahead! Нет лучшего времени, чем праздники, чтобы сказать спасибо за Вашу работу. Ждём с нетерпением продолжения нашего сотрудничества в новом году!
May this holiday season brighten you up with peace, joy and good cheer! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Пусть этот праздник наполнит Вас спокойствием, радостью и весельем! Счастливого Рождества и Нового года!
Here’s wishing you all the joys of the season. Wish you and your family a Merry Christmas! Желаю всех радостей, какие только может принести зима! Весёлого Рождества!
Wishing you a joyous holiday season and a year of happiness. May this Christmas be bright and cheerful and may the New Year begin on a prosperous note! Желаем вам весёлых зимних праздников и счастливого года. Пусть это Рождество будет ярким и весёлым, и пусть Новый год начнётся с успешной ноты!
Better than any New Year has been and will be, Better than any joy known or to be known, Better than any wish realized or to be realized-that’s how, this New Year should be for you. Have a great new year. Пусть этот Новый Год будет лучше, чем когда либо был, веселее, чем когда-либо было известно, лучше, чем любое сбывшееся желание.
Here is a wishing that the coming year is a glorious one that rewards all your future endeavors with success. Пусть этот наступающий год будет великолепным и увенчает все ваши будущие усилия успехом.
May your world be filled with warmth and good cheer this Holy season, and throughout the year! Wish your Christmas be filled with peace and love. Merry Xmas. Пускай твой мир будет наполнен теплом и хорошими пожеланиями в это святое время и весь год! Желаю, чтобы Рождество было наполнено миром и любовью! Счастливого Рождества!
May the New Year brings new hopes, new promises and new reasons to celebrate your presence in your lives. Have a Joyous New Year! Пусть этот Новый год принесёт новые надежды, новые перспективы и новые причины для празднования в вашей жизни. C Новым годом!
New Year is a time for celebration of love, of life, of Friendship. It’s the time to thank God for wonderful friends, and to bring to their lives as much magic as they bring to ours… So here’s celebrating our Friendship and praying that it’s magic continues forever. Happy New Year! Новый год – время празднования любви, жизни и дружбы. Это время, чтобы благодарить Господа за замечательных друзей, и привнесения в их жизнь столько же волшебства, сколько они привносят в нашу… Поэтому празднуя здесь нашу дружбу, пожелаем, чтобы так продолжалось всегда. С Новым годом!
May this New Year adorns your life with many beautiful things and sweet memories to cherish forever.
And care of those whom the heart holds close, along with abundant joys and happiness, for you and your family.
Wishing you life’s best this New Year.
Пусть этот Новый год украсит вашу жизнь множеством красивых вещей и приятных воспоминаний, которые можно лелеять вечно.
И подарит заботу от тех, кто дорог вашему сердцу, а также веселье и счастье для вас и вашей семьи.
Желаем всего наилучшего в этом Новом году.
May you get a clean bill of health from your dentist, your cardiologist, your gastro-enterologist, your urologist, your proctologist, your podiatrist, your psychiatrist and your plumber. Пусть у вас будет пустой счёт от дантиста, кардиолога, гастроэнтеролога, уролога, проктолога, ортопеда, психиатра и сантехника.

Поздравления в стихах с подстрочным переводом на русский язык

If it didn’t bring you joy
just leave it behind
Let’s ring in the New Year
with good things in mind
Let every bad memory
that brought heartache and pain
And let’s turn a new leaf
with the smell of new rain
Let’s forget past mistakes
making amends for this year
Sending you these greetings
to bring you hope and cheer
Happy New Year!
Если что-то огорчало вас
оставьте это позади
Давайте встретим Новый год
с хорошими мыслями в голове
Забудьте все плохие воспоминания
которые приносят боль
Давайте начнем с чистого листа
с запаха свежего дождя
Забудем старые ошибки
загладим вину в этом году
Отправляю тебе эти пожелания
что бы принести тебе надежду и радость
С Новым годом!
A health to you,
A wealth to you,
And the best that life can give to you.
Здоровья тебе,
Богатства тебе,
И всего наилучшего, что может дать жизнь.
These wishes aren’t original
But still they’re most sincere
Have a really Merry Christmas
And a wonderful New Year.
Эти пожелания – не оригинальны,
Но зато самые искренние:
Пусть Рождество будет, действительно, весёлым,
И волшебным Новый год.
New things to learn,
New friends to meet,
New songs to sing,
New books to read.
New things to see,
New things to hear,
New things to do
In this New Year!
Новые вещи для изучения,
Новые друзья для встреч,
Новые песни, что бы петь,
Новые книги для чтения.
Новое для глаз,
Новое для слуха,
Новые развлечения
В этот Новый год!
May your Christmas be wonderful
right from the start
May a happy year follow it, too.
These are the wishes that come from the heart
In this greeting especially for you.
Пускай твоё Рождество будет замечательным,
Начиная с самого начала.
Пускай таким же будет год.
Эти пожелания идут из самого сердца
И специально для тебя.
C использованием материалов сайта
Английский язык онлайн: изучение английского языка с удовольствием
Подарок в золотой упаковке

Возможно, вам это будет интересно:

Наступил декабрь и в ожидании сезона рождественских и новогодних праздников многие бродят в Интернете в поисках поздравлений на английском языке. Кому-то нужно поздравить иностранного коллегу, заказчика или друга по переписке, а кому-то — стихотворным SMS-сообщением  привлечь внимание девушки, с которой он вместе посещает курсы английского…

Попытаемся помочь. В нашей статье вы можете найти не только замечания по этикету поздравлений, но и заготовки самих поздравлений для клиентов, партнеров, сотрудников, друзей на английском языке — с переводом на русский.

А в конце статьи вас ждет небольшой сюрприз — трогательная рождественская песня.

Поздравляю! Но с чем?

Перед тем, как написать и отправить поздравление, обязательно выясните, какие именно праздники будет отмечать ваш адресат.

В нашем многонациональном и многокультурном мире зимний сезон чрезвычайно богат праздниками. Кроме христианского Рождества (25 декабря и 7 января) отмечают Хануку (иудеи), Кванзу (афроамериканцы), Курбан-Байрам и Хиджру (мусульмане)…

И чтобы не обидеть адресата, лучше заранее выяснить, каких традиций он придерживается — либо отдать предпочтение нейтральному поздравлению.

Сезон зимних праздников: Рождество, Ханука, Кванза

Сезон зимних праздников: Рождество, Ханука, Кванза

Открыть диалоговое окно с формой по клику

e-Mail или рукописный вариант?

Если e-mail — ваш единственный способ общения с адресатом вашего поздравления, либо вы не можете себе позволить отправить почтовое сообщение ввиду его дороговизны — поздравление по электронной почте вполне приемлемо. Но не забудьте о том, что даже в электронных сообщениях к адресату лучше обращаться по имени. Если ваше поздравление начинается со слов «Дорогой клиент!» (“Dear Customer!”), с тем же успехом оно могло бы открываться обращением «Дорогой незнакомец!» (“Dear Stranger!”).

У вас есть почтовые адреса тех, кого вы хотите поздравить, и вы можете себе позволить расходы на почтовую пересылку? Подпишите открытку. Но при выборе открытки постарайтесь предугадать, какой эффект она произведет на получателя — например, открытки на религиозный сюжет не стоит отправлять деловому партнеру.

Если открытку и конверт вы подпишите вручную, вы тем самым подчеркнете свое особое уважение к адресату.

Занимайтесь английским бесплатно!

Выполняйте интерактивные упражнения и прокачивайте языковые навыки

Занимайтесь английским бесплатно!

Нужно ли отвечать на поздравление?

Как быть, если поздравили вас — отвечать ли письмом на письмо? Конечно, желательно поблагодарить поздравившего вас человека. И в мире станет больше добра!

Рождественские и Новогодние поздравления — английские тексты с переводом на русский язык

Коллеге или деловому партнеру:

I hope you and all your coworkers, family, and friends have a lovely holiday season filled with joy and meaning. Best wishes for a prosperous new year!

Я надеюсь, что для Вас, всех Ваших сотрудников, членов семьи и друзей эти праздники будут наполнены радостью и глубоким смыслом. Наилучших пожеланий и успешного нового года!

In warm appreciation of our association, we extend our best wishes for a happy holiday season and a New Year filled with Peace, Joy and Success!

В знак искренней благодарности за нашу совместную работу мы передаем Вам наши наилучшие пожелания счастливых праздников! Пусть новый год будет наполнен миром, радостью и успехами!

It has been a pleasure to work with you this year. We wish you the best of holidays and a Happy New Year!

Работать с Вами в уходящем году было для нас удовольствием. Мы желаем Вам прекрасно провести праздники и счастливо встретить Новый год!

Our sincerest thanks and warmest wishes for the Holiday Season and throughout the New Year!

Примите нашу искреннюю благодарность и наилучшие пожелания к сезону праздников и в наступающем новом году!

Sincerest wishes for hope, happiness and peace during this Holiday Season and throughout the coming year!

Наши самые искренние пожелания надежды, счастья и мира в дни праздников и в наступающем новом году!

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to work with you this year. It has been an honor and an invaluable experience for me. I wish you a merry Christmas and a new year filled with all good things.

Благодарю Вас за предоставленную в уходящем году возможность работать с Вами. Для меня это честь — и бесценный опыт. Я желаю Вам веселого Рождества и всего самого наилучшего в новом году!

Thank you for the pleasure of working with you. Happy holidays!

Благодарю за удовольствие работать с Вами. Счастливых праздников!

Wishing you and your family a wonderful holiday season and a healthy and peaceful New Year!

Желаю Вам и Вашей семье чудесных праздников, а также здоровья и мира в новом году!

With appreciation for your business and with warmest wishes for a happy Holiday Season and a prosperous New Year!

С благодарностью за то, что остаетесь с нами и с наилучшими пожеланиями счастливых праздников и успешного нового года!


All of us at _____________(name of company) join in sending season’s greetings with all good wishes for the New Year!

Мы все в _____________(название компании) единодушно поздравляем Вас с зимними праздниками и желаем Вам всего наилучшего в новом году!

As the year ends, we think about all we are grateful for. Our relationship with you is one thing we treasure. Thank you for the opportunity to serve you!

Год подходит к концу, и мы думаем обо всем, за что должны быть ему благодарны. Взаимоотношения с Вами — одна из наших неоспоримых ценностей. Благодарим Вас за возможность служить Вам!

At this joyous time of year, we are grateful for our work with you. We wish you abundance, happiness, and peace in a new year filled with hope. Happy holidays!

В это радостное время года мы благодарим Вас за работу с нами. Желаем Вам изобилия, счастья и мира в новом году, наполненном новыми надеждами. Счастливых праздников!

It has been an honour and a pleasure to work with you this year. We wish you the best of holidays and a prosperous 20__!

Для нас было честью и удовольствием работать с Вами в этом году. Желаем Вам прекрасных праздников и успешного 20__ года!

Thank you for being a customer at our ______________. (company, hair salon, store, etc.) We look forward to serving you in 20__. We wish you peace, happiness, and abundant good health in the new year!

Благодарим за то, что Вы являетесь клиентом нашей __________ (компании, парикмахерской, магазина и т.д.) Мы надеемся служить Вам и в 20__ году. Желаем Вам мира, счастья и крепкого здоровья в новом году!

Thank you for staying with us. We wish you a beautiful new year filled with peace and gladness. We look forward to seeing you again in 20__.
(for a hotel guest)

Спасибо, что остаётесь с нами. Желаем Вам счастливого нового года, полного мира и радости. С нетерпением будем ожидать Вас снова в 20__ году. (постояльцу отеля)

Thank you for your business this year. It has been a pleasure helping you reach your goals, and we look forward to contributing to your success in 20__. We wish you a prosperous and happy new year!

Благодарим за то, что воспользовались нашими услугами. Для нас было настоящим удовольствием содействовать Вам в достижении Ваших целей, и мы надеемся сделать вклад в Ваш успех и в 20__ году. Желаем удачного и счастливого нового года!

We are delighted to have you as a customer, and we look forward to serving you in the new year. Have a terrific 20__!

Мы рады, что Вы входите в число наших постоянных клиентов и надеемся служить Вам и в новом году. Желаем потрясающего 20__ года!

We are grateful for our work with you in 20__, and we look forward to working together in the new year. Happy 20__!

Мы благодарим Вас за нашу совместную работу в 20__   и надеемся продолжить сотрудничество в новом году. Счастливого 20__ года!

Поздравляем клиента с Новым годом и Рождеством

Поздравляем клиента с Новым годом и Рождеством


I am personally grateful to each one of you for your tremendous efforts, and I wish everyone a rewarding, joyous new year. I look forward to working with you in 20__.

Я лично благодарен каждому из Вас за Ваш неоценимый вклад и желаю каждому щедрого и счастливого нового года. Надеюсь продолжить работу с Вами в 20__ году.

I appreciate your contribution to our success this year. I wish you peace, joy, and fulfillment in 20__. Happy New Year!

Я высоко ценю Ваш вклад в наш общий успех в этом году. Желаю Вам мира, радости и исполнения задуманного в 20__ . С Новым годом!


In the beauty of the season,
In the joy of Christmas Day,
May you find a special meaning
That brings happiness your way.

В очаровании праздников,
В радости Рождественского дня
Желаю найти особый смысл,
Который принесет тебе счастье!

In the peaceful joys of Christmas,
In the stars that shine above,
In the wonder of the season,
In the gift of God’s great love…

В мирных радостях Рождества,
В звездах, сияющих над нами,
В чуде праздничной поры,
В Божьем даре великой любви!

As I think about our friendship and how happy it has made me, I want to wish you happiness in the year to come!

Когда я думаю о нашей дружбе и той радости, которую она принесла мне, я хочу пожелать тебе счастья в наступающем году!

With every new year come greater challenges and obstacles in life. I wish you courage, hope and faith to overcome all the hurdles you face. May you have a great year and a wonderful time ahead!

С каждым новым годом перед нами встают всё новые жизненные испытания. Желаю тебе веры, надежды и смелости в преодолении возникающих трудностей. Счастливого нового года и светлого будущего!

Best wishes to my beloved friend for an amazing year ahead! May the sunshine of happiness always shine above you! May love surround you! May you have a lovely new year!

Наилучшие пожелания моему любимому другу в наступающем году! Пусть счастье как солнечный свет всегда сияет над тобой! Пусть любовь окружает тебя! Счастливого нового года!

Every end is just a new beginning. Keep your spirits and determination unshaken and you shall always walk the glory road. With courage, faith and efforts you shall conquer everything you desire. I wish you a very happy new year!

Конец — это начало нового. Пусть твой дух и уверенность в себе будут непоколебимы, и тогда ты всегда найдешь дорогу к славе! Смелость, вера и сила помогут тебе достичь всего, чего ты пожелаешь! Желаю тебе счастливого Нового года!

Универсальные поздравления:

Best wishes for a merry Christmas and a happy New Year!

Наилучшие пожелания веселого Рождества и счастливого Нового года!

Best wishes for peace and joy this holiday season and a new year of health, happiness and prosperity!

Наилучшие пожелания мира и радости в праздничные дни и здоровья, счастья и благополучия в новом году!

Christmas greetings and all good wishes for your health and happiness in the coming year!

Рождественские поздравления и наилучшие пожелания здоровья и счастья в наступающем году!

Greetings of the season and best wishes for the new year!

Поздравляем с праздниками и желаем всего наилучшего в новом году!

Happy 20__! I wish you a new year filled with prosperity, joy, and contentment!

Счастливого 20__ года! Желаю, чтоб новый год принес благополучие, радость и исполнение задуманного!

I hope 20__ is a year of great happiness and success for you. Have a wonderful new year!

Надеюсь, что 20__ год принесет Вам/тебе счастье и успех. Счастливого Нового года!

May this Christmas be full of moments of warmth, love and happiness!
May the coming year bring you contentment and joy. Have a Merry Christmas!

Пусть Рождество будет наполнено теплом, любовью и счастьем! Пусть наступающий год принесет  радость и исполнение задуманного! С Рождеством!

Season’s Greetings and best wishes for the New Year!

Поздравляю с праздниками и желаю всего наилучшего в новом году!

Sincerest wishes for hope, happiness and peace during this Holiday Season and throughout the coming year!

Примите самые искренние пожелания надежды, счастья и мира в праздничные дни и в наступающем новом году!

Wherever you are and whatever you celebrate in the coming weeks, I hope your holidays are filled with peace, prosperity, and love. Happy holidays!

Где бы вы ни были и что бы ни отмечали в предстоящие праздничные дни, я надеюсь, Ваши праздники будут наполнены миром, благополучием и любовью.

Wishing you a Joyous Holiday Season and a New Year filled with Peace and Happiness!

Желаю радостных праздников и нового года, полного мира и счастья!

With warm and friendly wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Bright and Happy New Year!

С наилучшими дружескими пожеланиями веселого  Рождества и счастливого Нового года!

Поздравляем с Новым годом и Рождеством

Поздравляем с Новым годом и Рождеством


When u r lonely,
I wish u Love!
When u r down,
I wish u Joy!
When u r troubled,
I wish u Peace!
When things seem empty,
I wish u Hope!
And I wish U Too —
Have A Happy New Year!

Когда ты одинок,
Я желаю тебе любви!
Когда тебе грустно,
Я желаю тебе радости!
Когда у тебя проблемы,
Я желаю тебе мира!
Когда жизнь пуста,
Я желаю тебе надежды!
А еще я желаю тебе —
Счастливого Нового года!

My wishes for you,
great start for Jan,
Love for Feb,
peace for March,
No worries for April,
fun for May,
Joy for June to Nov,
happiness for Deс!
Have a lucky and wonderful 2015!

Мои пожелания тебе:
Успешного старта в январе,
Любви в феврале,
Мира в марте,
Беззаботной жизни в апреле,
Веселья в мае,
Радости с июня по ноябрь,
Счастья в декабре!
Желаю счастливого и чудесного 2015-го года!

Fun, Joy, Happiness,
Peace, Love, Luck Will Come Near
With My Special Wish…
Happy New Year!

Веселье, радость, счастье,
Мир, любовь, удача придут к тебе
По моему особому желанию…
С Новым годом!

Everything that inspires u,
Everything that means most 2u,
Everything that makes u smile & brings u joy…
I wish 4 u in the New Year!

Всего, что тебя вдохновляет,
Всего, что важно для тебя,
Всего, что веселит и радует
Я желаю тебе в новом году!

Hours Of Happy Times With Friends And Family
Abundant Time For Relaxation
Plenty Of Love When You Need It The Most
Youthful Excitement At Life Simple Pleasures

Nights Of Restful Slumber
Everything You Need
Wishing You Love And Light

Years And Years Of Good Health
Enjoyment And Mirth
Angels To Watch Over You
Remembrances Of A Happy Year!

Счастливых дней с друзьями и семьей,
И времени для отдыха в достатке,
Любви, когда ее всего сильней желаешь,
Волненья юности в простых житейских радостях,

Спокойных сна ночей,
Всего, чего хотелось,
Сполна и света, и любви,

И многих лет, и крепкого здоровья,
Веселья, радости,
И ангелов-хранителей толпу,
И вспоминать счастливый Новый год!

*В английском варианте первые буквы каждой строки образуют фразу «Happy New Year»!

А напоследок, в духе Рождества — одна из традиционных рождественских песен, ставшая популярной после исполнения актрисой и певицей Джуди Гарленд в фильме Встреть меня в Сент-Луисе

Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas

Music composed by Hugh Martin, lyrics by Ralph Blane

Музыка Хью Мартина, слова Ральфа Блейна

Have yourself a merry little Christmas,
Let your heart be light
From now on
our troubles will be out of sight…

Устрой себе веселое маленькое Рождество,
Пусть на душе твоей будет легко…
С этой минуты
Все наши невзгоды исчезнут…

Have yourself a merry little Christmas,
Make the Yule-tide gay,
From now on, 
our troubles will be miles away…

Устрой себе маленькое Рождество,
Веселые святки,
С этой минуты
Все наши беды уйдут далеко-далеко…

Here we are as in olden days,
Happy golden days of yore.
Faithful friends who are dear to us
Gather near to us once more.

Вот и мы — как в старинные дни,
Счастливые золотые былые дни.
Верные друзья, что дороги нам
Собрались с нами рядом опять.

Through the years 
We all will be together,
If the Fates allow
Hang a shining star upon the highest bough.
And have yourself
A merry little Christmas now!

Годы пройдут,
Но будем мы все вместе —
Если Судьба будет к нам благосклонна.
Повесь сияющую звезду на самую высокую ветку!
И устрой себе
Веселое маленькое Рождество прямо сейчас!

Yule-tide [‘juːl ‘tʌɪd] — святки (неделя после Рождества)
yore [jɔː] — уст., поэт. былое (сущ., используется в сочетании с предлогом of (in days of yore) — «в былые дни»)

Эту мелодичную песню исполняли и Фрэнк Синатра, и Барбра Стрейзанд, и множество других известнейших исполнителей.

Послушайте её в исполнении блистательной Кристины Агилеры и певца, композитора и R’n’B-музыканта Брайана Мак-Найта:

May all your dreams come true and all your worries run away from you! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Проверьте, знаете ли вы 100 главных английских слов

Читайте также:

Праздники в США

Праздники в Великобритании

Такие интересные английские традиции и обычаи

Рассмотрели 10 фраз, чтобы поздравить с зимними праздниками и высказать свои пожелания на Новый год на английском.

Как поздравить с Новым годом на английском

Близятся новогодние праздники, а с ними семейные застолья, корпоративы и поздравительные открытки. Какие слова можно сказать друзьям-иностранцам, зарубежным партнерам или учителю английского языка — все это есть в нашей подборке из 10 поздравительных фраз.

1. Happy New Year! — С Новым годом!

Самое простое и надежное поздравление с Новым годом на английском языке подойдет для кого угодно, будь то член семьи или начальник. Если вам кажется, что фраза слишком избитая и обезличенная, добавьте подходящее обращение, например, my love (любимый, любимая), bestie (лучший друг), daddy (папочка).

Happy New Year, my best team ever! — С Новым годом, моя лучшая команда на свете!

Happy New Year!

Вместо New Year нейтивы могут назвать сам год — этот вариант подойдет как для открытки, так и для тоста.

Happy 2024! — Счастливого 2024 года!

2. Merry/Happy Christmas! — Счастливого Рождества!

В США и других англоязычных странах главным праздником зимы считается Рождество. Поэтому важно написать или сказать добрые слова именно по случаю этого дня. Merry Christmas — самое распространенное поздравление с Рождеством на английском, вы могли встречать его в песнях, фильмах и книгах. Эта фраза чаще используется в Соединенных Штатах, а Happy Christmas — британский вариант.

Merry Christmas!


Счастливого Рождества!

Впрочем, нейтивы часто поздравляют сразу со всеми праздниками наперед.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, my dear colleagues! — Счастливого Рождества и с Новым годом, дорогие коллеги!

Merry Christmas and happy New Year!

And you too.


Счастливого Рождества и с Новым годом!
— И вам.

3. Happy holidays! — Счастливых праздников!

Фраза охватывает все зимние праздники, включая Хануку, Китайский Новый год, Кванза и другие. Если вы не в курсе, что именно празднует ваш собеседник, используйте ее — точно не ошибетесь.

Happy holidays, Mort!

Happy holidays!


Счастливых праздников, Морт!
С наступающим!

4. Season’s Greetings! — С праздниками!

Универсальный вариант, если вы не знаете, с каким именно праздником стоит поздравить человека, или хотите обратиться к группе людей.

Season’s Greetings, folks!


С праздниками, народ!

5. Have a prosperous New Year! — Благополучного нового года!

Можно разнообразить поздравление, добавив какое-нибудь прилагательное перед New Year. Например, prosperous (благополучный), lucky (удачный), successful (успешный), fantastic (фантастический), marvellous (необыкновенный). В зависимости от слова такая фраза будет уместна как в кругу друзей, так и в рабочей обстановке.

Have a prosperous and lucky New Year!


Благополучного и удачного нового года!

6. I wish you a happy Christmas! — Желаю счастливого Рождества!

Поздравление можно начать с конструкции I wish you (желаю тебе), после которой возможны самые разные пожелания и красивые слова.

I wish you a year filled with love and joy! — Желаю тебе года, полного любви и радости!

I wish you a happy Christmas!


Желаю тебе счастливого Рождества!

На открытках вместо I wish обычно пишется Wishing.

Wishing you and your family holidays full of warmth and cheer! — Желаю вам и вашей семье праздников, полных тепла и веселья!

7. Best wishes for… — C наилучшими пожеланиями в…

Этой универсальной фразой носители часто подписывают открытки и подарки.

Best wishes for a magnificent New Year! — С наилучшими пожеланиями в великолепном новом году!

And from all of us, best wishes for a joyous holiday season!


— И от всех нас наилучшие пожелания в радостный период праздников!

8. To a great New Year! — За отличный новый год!

Если вам предстоит произнести или поддержать тост по-английски, то подойдет эта фраза. В начале можно добавить слово cheers, которое в этом контексте близко к русскому «давайте выпьем». А great (отличный) легко заменяйте на любое другое прилагательное.

Cheers to a fantastic year ahead, guys! — Выпьем за фантастический наступающий год, ребята!

To a great new year!



За отличный новый год!
— Да.

9. May all your wishes come true! — Пусть сбудутся все твои (ваши) мечты!

Классическое пожелание, которое не устаревает и по-прежнему дарит радостные эмоции. Подойдет на все случаи жизни.

May all your wishes come true and all your plans come to life! — Пусть сбудутся все ваши мечты и воплотятся в жизнь все планы!

May all your wishes now come true!


Пусть теперь сбудутся все ваши мечты!

10. Have a holly, jolly Christmas! — Веселого Рождества под остролистом!

Хотите показать, что хорошо знаете американскую культуру и популярные рождественские песни? Тогда запомните эту строчку из одноименной композиции Джонни Маркса.

Hey, Hamilton, have a holly, jolly Christmas.


— Эй, Гамильтон, веселого Рождества под остролистом.

Кстати, сама песня прекрасно создает праздничное настроение. Рекомендуем ее послушать — вы наверняка получите удовольствие от запоминающейся мелодии и услышите в тексте знакомые слова.

Итак, теперь вы сможете разнообразить новогодние поздравления на английском языке и подобрать оригинальные слова для друзей, знакомых и коллег, будь то праздничный тост или открытка.

Предлагаем закрепить материал и пройти короткий тест.

© 2024 englex.ru, копирование материалов возможно только при указании прямой активной ссылки на первоисточник.

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